28 October 2009


I always wonder if i could be happy again like before. I know everyday there are always have a chances to be better. Somehow I am stuck in my very own world.

I feel......
Nothing great of being me.
Tired of everything.
A lot of sacrificing.
A lot of pampering and comforting others.
Too much supporting others.

I really missed the old me. I am so confused. Is it because of the decision i have already made or it has been written. I thought can get my life happy in the end but its even tougher

Masalah tak pernah habis..........
ada je.........
and I am tired of being me........


razuwahanim said...

azy, mcm berat jerr bunyinyerr. kadang-kadang kita memang kena diuji untuk naik ke level yg lebih tinggi.

apapun, cuba rileks dan banyakkan sabar. but still easier said than done rite?? :D

if ada masa yg sesuai jom kita lepak :D

azzy said...

for a time being nak kata relax je tak la jugak....dok meleleh je kalau sorang2.......
sabar tu mmg pastilah......

ok...blh je nak lepak...
